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Reusable raw materials, thermoplastics from plastic waste streams
Circular nature
100% reusable raw material, produced without waste, less CO2 emissions, product made from waste, produced locally, recyclable
Production technique(s)
3D Robot Printing
45 kg
Turning waste into a circular product
Made in the Netherlands



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The inspiration for the design of these controversial circular plant pots made from waste comes from one of our national symbols, the tulip. The tulips are 3D printed with a robot in three shapes from closed to open. The pots are 3D printed with reusable raw materials including recycled thermoplastics. A thermoplastic is a plastic material that becomes soft when heated. An advantage of thermoplastic material is the possibility of reuse in different applications. By re-shredding and reheating the material, it can be brought into other desired forms. By placing these circular products made from waste in the interior, you also reduce the CO2 footprint of your business operations.


3D Printed Thermoplastics


Recycling of plastics

Production engineering

3D Robot Printing

Robot 3D printen is een techniek die wordt toegepast bij de productie van de circulaire design meubelen. Laagje voor laagje worden parametrische modellen omgezet in spraakmakende meubelenstukken. Doordat de robot arm vanuit praktisch elke hoek kan printen zijn extreem complexe, gebogen geometrieën mogelijk. Biophilic design en complexe wiskundige vormen en algoritmes kunnen nu eenvoudig worden vertaald naar Dutch Design meubilair. Herbruikbare grondstoffen en recyclaat uit afvalrestromen vormen de ingrediënten van onderstellen van tafels, lampen en plantenbakken. Het creëert een nieuwe wereld van ontwerpvrijheid en maakt de weg vrij voor afval loos produceren. Meubelen worden digitaal getransporteerd naar de plaats van bestemming en lokaal geproduceerd met een minimale CO2 footprint.

What started with viewing a 3D printed tulip vase and then driven by commitment and enthusiasm, many more circular solutions turned out to be possible, which were eventually realized in the building. TRIBOO gave "working together on housing" a much broader dimension and a story to go with it.
Paul Smulders
Project leader installation renovation main building Province of South Holland
Province House South Holland
Pieter and Peter find it very interesting and fun to work with TRIBOO. They deliver products that are completely in line with our circular objectives. They take us along in the development and knowledge of materials, binding techniques and modular constructions made on Dutch soil. They simply show us what it is made of and that appeals. They also help us tell "the circular story".
Pieter Lems and Peter Jansen
Strategy & Development | Facility Management
Nationale Nederlanden
Massaro: 'We chose this furniture because it is made of worthless waste that would otherwise have made a negative impact on our planet. Now the waste has become cool and fun furniture. All those thousands of employees and visitors who will be using the rooms will see the story, read it, and may be inspired to do the same'.
Marco Massaro
Head of Division, European Space Agency
European Space Agency

Join us and change the world

With healthy and circular furniture. Less material, less CO2 and less waste!

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