The future
of our waste

You don't need raw materials to make new products. You just need to look radically differently at the raw materials we already have.

Historically, the biggest problems come from companies trying to save marginal production costs.

Throughout the last century, the way companies make products has created irreversible damage to the planet.

 This means valuable raw materials become worthless waste because the materials cannot be reused at the end of a product’s lifecycle.

This results in a lot of CO2, toxins and pollution

Instead of finding new ways to recycle the products, they are burned, end up in the ground as well as in our oceans. With these processes, toxic substances and CO2 continue to damage our living environment.

Instead of using materials sparingly, a lot of them go to waste

This has resulted in environmental pollution, climate change and the depletion of resource stocks.

While we can reuse €73,000,000 worth of raw materials each year

This must and can be done differently!

We have the

You don't need raw materials to make new products. You just need to look radically differently at the raw materials we already have.

Worthless waste

We turn worthless waste into valuable circular office equipment. We ensure that raw materials never go to waste again.


In everything we do, we build harmony between humans and nature. We do this by taking responsibility.

Valuable office equipment

We put revolutionary innovations in motion to make maximum impact. Will you join us?

The commodity bank

We give plastics a second life and use natural fibres as the reusable material of the future.



Paper and cardboard


Natural fibres

Consumer plastic

PET bottles

Our technology

Met behulp van 21e -eeuws vakmanschap maken we van elk type grondstof weer spraakmakende circulaire producten.

3D Robot Printing

Robot 3D printen is een techniek die wordt toegepast bij de productie van de circulaire design meubelen. Laagje voor laagje worden parametrische modellen omgezet in spraakmakende meubelenstukken. Doordat de robot arm vanuit praktisch elke hoek kan printen zijn extreem complexe, gebogen geometrieën mogelijk. Biophilic design en complexe wiskundige vormen en algoritmes kunnen nu eenvoudig worden vertaald naar Dutch Design meubilair. Herbruikbare grondstoffen en recyclaat uit afvalrestromen vormen de ingrediënten van onderstellen van tafels, lampen en plantenbakken. Het creëert een nieuwe wereld van ontwerpvrijheid en maakt de weg vrij voor afval loos produceren. Meubelen worden digitaal getransporteerd naar de plaats van bestemming en lokaal geproduceerd met een minimale CO2 footprint.


The press turns waste streams of plastics and natural fibers under high pressure and heat into sheets used to make circular furniture. The raw materials harvested from the plastic waste are old children's toys, soap bottles, CD cases, crates, lamps, garden furniture and household appliances. Natural fibers are harvested from old milk cartons, hemp, coffee grounds, old clothes, wood chips, paper and cardboard.


Computer Numerical Control or CNC for short refers to the process of removing material with high-speed precision machines that use a wide range of cutting tools. These machines are used to process materials such as wood, plastics, stone, composites and metal to make circular office furniture.


Made by hand in the Netherlands. Innovative craftsmanship resting on years of experience and love for making furniture. With passion for the most sustainable and circular materials, raw materials are extracted from waste streams and shaped into high-profile interiors. Professional craftsmen skilled in working with wood, metal, plastic and textiles.


Refreshing is a form of recycling in which paper, cardboard and textiles are reduced to fibres. It is a mechanical process in which the discarded products are unravelled by machines. The fibres can be reused as building blocks to make circular products.

Injection moulding

With injection moulding, plastic recyclate that is supplied as granulate is melted into a viscous mass and injected under high pressure into a mould whose cavity is the shape of the desired product. By cooling, the plastic solidifies and the desired product is obtained.

Circular business model

The office is a raw materials bank, where we temporarily store valuable materials in high-profile products.

The faces
behind TRIBOO

Tristan Koppe

CTO - Circular Tribe Officer

Noah van der Heijden

Junior Tribe Officer

Marc van der Heijden


Serge Ligtenberg

Guru of storytelling and imaging