

The circular economy is about taking responsibility for our raw materials. Lokhorst Bouw en Ontwikkeling and TRIBOO are taking the lead in this!

The circular economy is about taking responsibility for our raw materials. Lokhorst Bouw en Ontwikkeling and TRIBOO are taking the lead in this! In the innovative de Vereeniging project, the most sustainable project in the region, they have equipped the first street in the Netherlands with 0-on-the-meter houses with circular house numbers

The Commodity Tracker provides a simple way for the owner and Care Taker not to forget the value or agreements made with the circular product. Our online raw material database records where all the circular products are located.

TRIBOO products are equipped with an NFC chip that can be easily read with the phone. If the residents do this, the product page appears on the phone. Here you can see what raw material (waste) the product is made of and how much is in it.

If the product is no longer used then a take-back request can be made and it will be collected again. Together we make sure that nothing is thrown away anymore and TRIBOO turns it into another circular product.

Step by step we are making the waste-free society a reality and making an impact in the genesis of the circular economy.