At the end of the useful life, you receive the raw material value of your investment back.
If your office is set up as a valuable raw material bank, you will receive the raw material value of the circular products back at the end of their useful life. By using a modular NOTRASH waste sorting station you store valuable raw materials, no new raw materials are extracted to make them and you reduce CO2. At the end of its service life you return the NOTRASH to TRIBOO and receive the raw material value in euros on your bank account. The current raw material value is 5.13 euros per module. The raw material is reused to make a circular NOTRASH.
The NOTRASH is a 100% circular waste separation station upcycled from plastic "waste". With this modular system you can easily separate your raw materials so that they can be reused in our society. The modules ensure that everyone can start and contribute. As more flows are separated, modules can simply be added. In this way, you can separate paper and cardboard, plastic, organic waste, residual waste and paper cups.
Not every waste stream is suitable for making a NOTRASH. Products made of polypropylene or polyethylene can be used to turn into a NOTRASH. They are utilitarian items such as chairs, tables, crates, soap bottles, containers, warehouse bins, pipes, shopping baskets and many more everyday items.
To make a NOTRASH module, 15 kg of plastic waste is processed. If you separate the waste into biodegradable waste, paper, plastic, remainder and cups, you need 5 modules. This means that with each circular waste sorting station 75 kilos of worthless waste is transformed into a valuable circular functional product. 75 Kilos that are no longer burned causing CO2, no new raw materials are mined causing CO2.
The goal of the NOTRASH is to eventually become redundant as a circular product. When we no longer throw away raw materials and the waste-free society has become a reality, the NOTRASH will change shape. Its raw material will be used again to make another circular product that again serves a clear purpose. The raw material will never be lost.
No new raw materials have been extracted from the earth, but what we have already extracted has been used. The products are made in the Netherlands so few kilometres are driven to get to their destination. And that saves CO2 time and again. Together, we take responsibility for raw materials and help build a zero-waste society and the emergence of the circular economy. Put the NOTRASH in your organisation!